O Goshi

Meaning of the Name: 

Romanji: O Goshi

English: Full hip throw

Japanese: 大腰

Technique Description: 

O Goshi is a hip throw executed by moving under the opponent's (Uke's) center of gravity to lift them onto the thrower's (Tori's) hips. Tori steps between Uke’s legs while gripping their belt. Once Uke is lifted, Tori rotates their chest to complete the throw, which is most effective when Uke is off-balance. 

When reaching around Uke's waist to grip the back of their belt, weaker fighters may reach under Uke’s armpit, while stronger ones may reach around the outside of Uke's arm. Once Tori has secured the back of Uke's belt, they must bend their elbow and pull Uke tightly against their hip to execute the throw effectively.

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