Daki Age

Meaning of the Name: 

Romanji: Daki Age

English: High Leaft

Japanese: 抱上

Technique Description: 

Daki-Age is performed when uke is on the ground with his legs around tori's waist. When tori is standing (or can raise onto his feet), he lifts uke by the lapels. Tori lifts with the hands while thrusting his hips forward and under uke to raise him as high as possible. The objective of the lift is to slam uke back down onto the ground. This can be very dangerous for uke, as it is difficult for him to protect his spine, neck, and head. As a result, uke must either prevent the lift or release the grip with his legs. The Daki-Age (High Lift) Waza involves grasping the opponent in a hug-like embrace and throwing them down.

This Waza resembles the professional wrestling "body slam." Tori (the player executing the technique) lifts uke (the player receiving the opponent's attack) face up to shoulder height by scooping up both of uke's legs while uke (the player receiving the attack) attempts to pull him into a Ne waza (ground techniques). Uke then rotates backward, with his lower body folding upward.

Tori lifts uke so that his hips are against uke's abdominal area, pulling uke toward him with both hands, similar to the form used in the Juji Jime (normal cross strangle). From this position, tori uses all his power (particularly from his hips) to lift uke high into the air.

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