Meaning of the Name:
Romanji: Ushiro Mawashi Geri
English: Spinning Hook Kick
Japanese: 後ろ回し蹴り
Technique Description:
Begin in a kicking stance. Tori uses their rear leg for this technique. Before attempting this kick, they should already be proficient in executing a basic hook kick.
If Tori is in a right-foot-forward stance, they will rotate their body to the right until completely facing away from the target. During this motion, they must pivot on their left foot.
Continuing the turn, Tori should look over their right shoulder to spot the target—seeing the target is crucial for accuracy.
For a more fluid motion, Tori can sweep the leg backward in a wide arc, lifting the knee up and outward as they kick. This method builds momentum easily but is also more visible and predictable for the opponent.
A sharper and more deceptive variation is to thrust the kick straight back like a rear kick, sacrificing circular momentum for speed and surprise.
The key to this technique is snapping the kick just as the foot reaches the side of the target (e.g., the head), executing the "hook" motion.
The striking surface should be the back of the heel—where the bone structure generates immense power—or the sole of the foot. Avoid striking with the side of the foot.
Follow through the target, then return the right leg to its original stance. Tori should be ready to continue attacking or to counter the opponent’s response.