Age Hira Ken

Meaning of the Name: 

Romanji: Age Hira Ken

English: Rising Flat Fist

Japanese: 上平拳

Technique Description: 

To execute the Age Hira Ken effectively, begin by assuming your boxing stance and visualizing your opponent’s head at a mid-to-close range. Slightly shift your weight to your front foot, lower your stance, and drop your front Hira Ken about one foot to create the necessary space for generating power. Maintain your back hand in a raised position to protect your chin. Rotate your hips—clockwise for an Hidari Ken Kamae or counterclockwise for a Migi Ken Kamae—to channel upward force while gradually returning to your regular stance height. At the same time, exaggerate this rotation with your shoulders and drive your front Hira Ken in an almost straight upward motion, keeping your palm facing your face as you target your opponent’s chin. By the end of the motion, your front shoulder should be in contact with or covering your chin. Finally, quickly return your Hira Ken to your guard and reset into your stance.

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